Saturday, August 22, 2009

create love poem = confused !

wahh, parah masa tadi di tempat les disuruh bikin puisi cinta. haha gila mana ngartos guw sama yang kaya begituaan. mana si didith dengan sok puitis bilang "kalo kamuu jadi rambut aku jadi ketombenya" wahaha kacau ah. paarah untung Maam nge-bolehin kita nyari di internet tapi hasiilnya pulsa guw sekarang abis. jadi yang sms ke nomor 0857196***** kalo ga dibales maklum yee. wah mau liat salah satu puisinya. kebetulan guw nyimpen nih, hehe

Love is when . .

love is when..
you can't stop thinking about them
when you see them or hear they name
your whole world lights up
when they smile
you smile
when they laugh
you laugh
when they cry
you cry
you feel what they feel
when they never leave your mind
when you go to sleep smiling because of something they said or did earlier that day
when you look at them
everything turns right
when you touch them
you get that feeling
what is love ??
love is all of the above.