Welcome back guys, miss you soooo...
Oke, sebelum gue cerita gue mau ngucapin turut berduka cita buat SMA 103, 81, dan 71 kak andy, kak fadly, kak habib dan anak 71 mudah-mudahan tenang berada di sisiNya. AMIN. Dan buat kita yang masih bisa bernafas di dunia ini. Kita dapet pelajaran dari yang kemaren, hati-hati kalo naik motor ya..
Oke gue mulai cerita ya..
Something happened with me, I don't know why but I just cannot forget about you. Always want to know where are you now, what are you doin' right now, yaa.. Want to know more about you laaah..Honestly, so dissapointed because I just can saw you 4 hours once a week. it happened if you come, but if doesnt? poor me.. I just can say(in my heart absolutely) "I miss you" when you came to the class. how can I keep this feeling?. do you know?! I just want you to know the truth so,(i hope) we can be together. I always ready to hear your story, your secret, your problem. I always ready to be here, beside you. never want to go anywhere. because if you there, I always wanna be there. Siga, I just want you to know that I love youuuu so much, but I just can say from here. not when I met you in the class. do you know why? because I'm so afraid that you'll be left me alone, never want to be my friend anymore. Siga, well, I dont really like this situation. Lucky me if I can be your best friend. but this?....I never talk to you, I never say 'hi' to you, even if you're online I never asked you to chat with me!! so stupid right? haaa yayaya.. but this is me..
Until now, I just can keep it as my secret. Siga, next year, you'll graduated from Senior High School. you want to enter Bandung Institute of Technology right? hope you can enter that University! I always support you from here.. even you never know who I am but I always want the best for you.