Saturday, March 10, 2012

Flashback time!

Welcome back, new post :) hehe
after all those post.... I'm come back! yeayness!
Well, today I went to Caterina Sarlita Putri's swee17 party, that was great party! Because it's not at night, so we dont don't really care about the time. And well.. it's just like a little reunion. I met so many of my junior high school friends. I try to flashback a little to my junior high school time. And it's like..........."AWESOME". I watch again at my little documentary of my junior high school time. It's not really 'my' documentary. It's all of us. Veinticuatro, just a little part of 236 Junior high school. It's a film, that me&my friend- SBS made. OMG!!! I miss them so much:-') They was one of great part of my junior high school memories. Problems, Fight, Love feeling, everything about that... in junior high school. I miss them. This blog, actually have so much story about me and what happen when I was in junior high school. Em.. can I tell a little story about Lita? hm.. thankyou.
me and Lita was friend since elementary, I love her so much. She's just like my twins sister. Many ppl said me&lita are look alike. And one problem make us just like.. lost contact. I still love her. Still, and always:-') but if I can, I want me&lita-us can be like the old times.
And.........I just thinking, with all the party that my friend held for their birthday. What will I do if I'm turn into '17 years old' and Its's next year. When everyone will busy to choose where shud they study college.. hmm interesting. Are they will still remember my birthday? hahahaha.
NIGHT!!! xoxo